Control Tower


In collaboration with Aeroporti di Roma, a game has been created that tests the skills of a flight attendant to climb a control tower, trying to reach the top without falling. The goal is to accumulate as many points as possible, and for this it is necessary to reach greater and greater heights.

The adrenaline builds as the flight attendant climbs, facing increasingly complex obstacles and challenges along the way. The challenge is finding the right balance between speed and stability while avoiding tripping or slipping.

To give players an extra boost, the ability to gain an extra life was introduced. As? Simply connecting to your Facebook, Google or Twitter account. Once connected, players will benefit from valuable additional help on their way to the top.

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Blaster Foundry Srl © 2023 P.IVA: IT05817910879 - CAP SOC. 12.552,75€

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