
We were inspired by the popular color block game Tetris to create our version in collaboration with Wishingwell. The main objective was to capture the essence of the original Tetris, but at the same time convey the identity and distinctive elements of our company through unique and recognizable graphics.

Just like in the original Tetris, the main objective of our game is to match bricks of the same color to score points. However, we wanted to add a touch of suspense by introducing a timer that tests players' speed and attentiveness. They will have to show agility and mental sharpness to avoid running out of time before they can skillfully combine the colored bricks.

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Blaster Foundry Srl © 2023 P.IVA: IT05817910879 - CAP SOC. 12.552,75€ · Policy · Terms and Conditions

Blaster Foundry Srl © 2023 P.IVA: IT05817910879 - CAP SOC. 12.552,75€

Policy · Terms and Conditions